Elite Experts Conferences Podcast

Elite Experts Conferences Podcast

Opportunities and challenges in modern high performance bonding

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The next Elite Experts Conferences’ podcast episode is online. The topic of this premium panel is: "Opportunities and challenges in modern high performance bonding". Straight away for all those who want to scroll on quickly if bonding is not your topic. Please pay attention, that as always we talk not only about the technologies themselves, but also about the business strategic factors, business decisions, trends - and this is so strongly interconnected, that it can be a highly interesting episode, for all of you, who are working in the field of automotive and transportation engineering. In fact, for anyone doing anything in lightweight design in the mobility sector, it's mandatory. Well mandatory is a strong word, because we can't decide about your free time, but we would highly recommend it to everyone, let's put it that way. And if bonding really isn't your thing, then the episode is worth it even just for the life wisdom that the guests always share with our dear audience at the end. This time it was ingeniously coherent and each guest with his contribution like a fitting piece of the puzzle perfectly complemented the entire whole.

What a dream team from Sika:

1. David Tobler as Corporate Head Transportation and Aftermarket Business
2. Piero Della Mura as Market Field Engineer Transportation
3. Florian Altenwegner as Product Manager Assembly Line
4. Jessy Bridier as Corporate Business Development Manager Structural Bonding

It was great and entertaining to hear how Sika builds partnerships that work, how to create collaborations that dare to be creative and how even crazy ideas have a chance. We talk about plans and about coincidences, about theory and practice and all that with lots of examples from the industry. With a lot of knowledge, with honesty, with humor and with a lot of inspiration - just as always true to our motto "educate, entertain and inspire".

Tune in and enjoy!

The race against time - a look behind the scenes at innovations scouting

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The next Elite Experts Conferences’ podcast episode is online. The topic of this premium panel is: "The race against time - a look behind the scenes at innovations scouting". By focusing on how huge companies do innovation scouting at startups and live co-creation, this episode is highly recommended for all tech startups that are in the mobility topics. It's doubly recommended for anyone in the autonomous driving space. You'll also see why in a moment. But it's also equally interesting for any global player working in the tech space who wants to do innovation scouting or even actively build their own startup hub. We have invited brilliant guests who could report exactly about that.

Let's welcome our exciting guests:

- Viktoria Ilger as Team Lead Startup Initiative at Creators Expedition - an AVL initiative which is a startup initiative at AVL. 

- Christian Weber as Global Director Advanced Engineering ADAS & Technology Council at Continental 

We talked about so many topics:
- How did AVL decide to create this kind of startup initiative
- How is Christian related to the actual startup hub program called "co-pace" at Continental
- Which topics are highly relevant in innovation scouting
- How a startup can get in contact and how long does this process take
- What would be the best pitch
- Some highly interesting co-cretion success stories were shared
- What are the key learnings from failed collaborations
- What are the most important success criteria for great collaborations?
- And many many many more interesting topics and insights…

And as always, remember that at the end of each episode our guests share a bit of their life experience and wisdom with us and as every time these answers are at least as exciting as the technical part.

Tune in and enjoy!

Eye-Net Mobile - for more safety on the road

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It is our special pleasure to present to you the latest episode of the Elite Experts Conferences' podcast: „Eye-Net Mobile - for more safety on the road“. Our guest in this episode is Shuki Herzlinger, VP of Business Development at Eye-Net Mobile.

In this episode especially experts from the OEM sector should pay attention - especially if 'safety vision - aiming for zero' is your most important goal. Eye-Net is a tech company from Israel that aims to save many lives, especially those of vulnerable road users like pedestrians, cyclists, scooter drivers and so on by offering V2X accident prevention solutions and using smartphones and relying on existing cellular networks. In case of danger, road users, including car drivers, will get a real-time pre-collision alert and have enough time to react.

Tune in and let Shuki tell you how mature this technology is, which projects with exciting partners have already happened and why this technology is already symbiotic with existing ADAS systems and perfectly complements them.


Trailer Dynamics & Krone collaboration

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In this episode of the Elite Experts Conferences podcast we take a look behind the scenes of a collaboration between a tech startup Trailer Dynamics and a global player in the transportation industry Krone Commercial Vehicle Group. Let’s feel the magic of this special cooperation that actually came out of a cold email. We not only look at the technical details of Trailer Dynamics' technology and its role in decarbonizing the transportation industry, but also at the cooperation between Trailer Dynamics and Krone.

The stage is set for our new guests:

- Abdullah Jaber: co-founder and Head of Development at Trailer Dynamics
- Michael Nimtsch: co-founder and Managing Director at Trailer Dynamics
- Dr. Stefan Binnewies: Member of the Management Board at Bernard Krone Holding

What do we learn in this episode:
- What are the basics of the technical implementation of Trailer Dynamic’s technology and how big is the positive environmental impact
- What is the short-term and long-term vision of Trailer Dynamics
- What is Krone's vision for the future and how can Trailer Dynamics help there along the way
- How Trailer Dynamics had also experienced very dark hours and why giving up was never an option
- What made Krone management team put so much trust in this particular startup

It's exciting knowledge, it's fun and entertaining, it's inspiring. Because as in every episode we don't just learn technical details, we also get to know the top lessons learned by our guests, we discover their leadership lessons, we learn what inspires them and what makes them feel more optimistic and empowered about the future.

Autonomous Driving & ADAS - progress towards the big vision

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This podcast episode "Autonomous Driving & ADAS - progress towards the big vision" is a very special episode, because it's once again a Premium Panel with outstanding guests:

- Bernhard Müller-Bessler as Head of Autonomous Solutions at Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence
- Georg List as Vice President of Corporate Strategy at AVL
- Dr. Sascha J. Semmler as Head of Innovation Continental Business Area Autonomous Mobility at Continental

It’s very honest, very entertaining, very challenging. It's again a mix of education, entertainment and inspiration - not only for those who are fully into AD & ADAS but also interested in e.g. effective collaborations between different players. No matter what sector you come from, be it agile startup or established global player - everyone will discover something useful for oneself.

This episode could also get another title: ‚Bringing honesty to a new level’.


Because once again our great guests, each one a unique personality, made it easy to create a pleasant atmosphere where knowledge was exchanged, where past, present and future challenges and difficulties were discussed very openly. Of course, there were also discussions about the solutions. One of them is the topic - collaborations. Insights were given about trends, developments processes, but also what do you do when you have in cooperation partner, a customer and also a competitor at the same time? How do you discover promising technologies in the startup sector at a very early stage and develop them together? How to sustainably and collegially build an entire ecosystem of partners? And many more topics.

Dry and boring? We can't serve you with that. Optimistic, energetic, entertaining and with a sense of humor - well, then you've come to the right place. So, be prepared for an exciting episode!

Battery industry paradigm - plan for mass production and permanent innovation adoption

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The topic of this premium panel is: "Battery industry paradigm - plan for mass production and permanent innovation adoption“. If you are looking for 'dry, factual and boring' - you won't find it here. If you're looking for educating solid knowledge, entertaining positive spirit and inspiring insights, you've come to the right place. Because with these three great guests, this panel couldn't be anything but brilliant.

May we clear the digital stage for our excellent guests:

- Yann Vincent, CEO at ACC - Automotive Cells Company
- Dominique SCHEIDER, Head of Industry Strategy and Marketing for Transportation EMEA at Rockwell Automation
- Dr. Grzegorz (Greg) Ombach, Executive Vice President and Head of Battery Systems & Head of Group Strategy and Innovation at DRÄXLMAIER Group

What can you expect from that panel?

Yann, for example, had to answer the following questions:
- What did 2021 mean for ACC’s development
- What is ACC’s strategy to outperform competition like CATL, LG etc
- What are the key points that Europe can learn from Asia in battery production
- Which of ACC’s goals can be achieved more efficiently through a collaboration - listen to that - there is a huge business case behind that for some of our listeners!

Dominique contributed a lot of knowledge with regard to:
- What will be the major challenges in ramping up EV battery manufacturing to the mass production levels required
- What factors need to come together to enable flourishing battery mass production in Europe
- Details about the partnership with Cadenza and other strategic partnerships
- How can new players compete on price and/or battery performance

The questions for Greg were no less challenging:
- What are the biggest challenges on the way to mass production
- Some great examples of successful partnerships in the industry and an analysis what are the main success factors
- Great analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of increasing joint ventures between battery cell manufacturers and OEMs in the creation of new gigafactories
- Key learnings from working with suppliers and logistics providers to minimize emissions from the movement and storage of battery materials

And many more topics and questions. Of course we stay true to our format and at the end of the panel you will get to know the human side of the guests and their key learnings, which go beyond professional know how and are rather key learnings for leadership, for life.

Enjoy the magic of a successful panel and feel the great atmosphere we all enjoyed in this round.

Emerging Tech For Autonomous Vehicles: Advanced Stereo Sensing Solutions

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In this episode we had the honor to welcome the next brilliant guests in the Elite Experts Conferences podcast: Benyamin Parto as Director of Business Development and Izac Assia as Director of Product Management at Foresight Automotive.
Foresight Automotive is an Israeli company and was founded in 2015 to be a strong player in the design, development and commercialization of stereo/quad camera vision systems for the automotive industry. Foresight’s stereoscopic technology is derived from its major shareholder Magna B.S.P’s field-proven security technology that has been deployed worldwide for almost 20 years and is IP-protected by patents. It incorporates 3D video analysis, advanced algorithms for image processing and sensor fusion.
We talked in this episode about highly relevant topics like:
- historical landscape of stereoscopic technology
- benefits of stereoscopic technology and some practical examples
- higher purpose and driving force of Foresight Automotive
- 'plug & play' software systems vs. tailor-made solutions for every customer
- trends and in sensor fusion and in ADAS in general
- and we also talked about the possible causes of what makes Israel in particular so unique, why it has deservedly risen to become THE start up and now even scale up nation

We wish you enjoyable listening!

TEOREMA - the new approach of 'godere la vita’, ‚enjoying life‘ as a brilliant match of technology and design

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“Passion“. That was probably the most used word in connection with this Elite Experts Conferences podcast episode. Next to TEOREMA, of course. Because this whole special edition episode of our technology podcast is about Teorema - the world first completely virtual concept car created and presented by Pininfarina in the summer 2021.

The Pininfarina team worked not only in an internal collaboration between Italy and China, but also with some great collaboration partners who contributed brilliantly to the technology side. Which projects get usually attention from Elite Experts Conferences? Those where innovative technologies, efficient collaborations, great personalities and sustainable thinking and acting come together. It is our pleasure to welcome our great guests:

- Xavier Blanc Baudriller - Head of Experience and Product Design at Pininfarina,
- Kevin Rice - Chief Creative Officer at Pininfarina,
- Jürgen Pfeifer, Head of Mechanics & Hardware Engineering from Continental Engineering Services and
- Alessandro Dini, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer from WayRay.

And how is „passion" involved here? Well, you take four outstanding individuals, all passionate about their field, and leave them with Dr. Ludmilla Derr for just about 2 hours. Well, she is known for being full of enthusiasm for innovative technologies and efficient collaborations. What comes out is an exciting podcast episode that educates, entertains and inspires. Enjoy listening!

The Future of Electric Propulsion

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„The Future of Electric Propulsion“ - the next Elite Experts Conferences’ podcast episode is online! What an atmosphere! We don’t want to promise too much, but this has become the most heartfelt, entertaining and personal episode yet. Our guests this time are Nick Grewal  - CEO and President at ePropelled and David Hudson - Head of EV Strategy at ePropelled. Anyone who has been in the EEC network for a while knows how important collaborations are to us and how much we care about creating the most exciting connections in the industry. In this episode, two worlds meet, two great personalities that couldn't have complemented each other better. One world is the corporate world which is based on David Hudson's rich experience, shaped by many years of working at Jaguar Cars and most recently at Tata Motors. The other world comes from the life experience of Nick Grewal, who instead knows the startup world so well, having been involved in 40 (yes, 40!) tech startups as an entrepreneur and investor. It was brilliant to learn from both worlds, from both guests. And it's great that these learnings are now combined to make ePropelled a success.

Now, what will we learn in this episode?

- What is special about ePropelled and their vision.
- How to be strategically aligned and focused
- The guests' wise, motivational and inspirational life mottos - which are now printed out and hanging in Ludmilla Derr’s office - no kidding!
- Motivation and energy levels are not a matter of age
- Nick and Dave reveal their best approaches on how collaborations between startups and global players become a success
- Nick shares some breathtaking stories from his pilot experience and what he learned from it for business - these are by far the scariest stories in the history of this podcast.
- Dave shares his experience on how to work best in multicultural projects
- And much much more.

This episode will also give you an insight behind the scenes of EEC Podcast, because the atmosphere during the recording of the podcast comes across incredibly well - we had a lot of fun and that is so obvious in this episode.

More about the background of our great guests:

Nick Grewal is an experienced technology entrepreneur and investor in over 40 high-tech companies and he has led engineering, business development, and operational teams at many companies. In the 90s, he started Onlake Investments, a successful investment company. Prior to Onlake, he was the founder and CEO of Nashoba Networks, which was acquired by Cisco Systems for $100 million. Nick remained there as vice president. However, after a while, he felt an urge to start a startup again, and that at an age when others are retiring. What an energy level - but listen for yourself!

Our second guest is David Hudson who has over 40 years of experience in engineering and professional services. David spent over 15 years at Jaguar Cars before moving into automotive consultancy, working with leading powertrain companies in Europe, Asia, and North America. For the past decade, he worked at the Tata Motors European Technical Centre as Head of Propulsion and Head of Vehicle & Powertrain Engineering. And now David has been with ePropelled for 2 months as Head of EV Strategy. It's great that David has a sense of both sides - from the OEM and from a tech startup.

Innovating Together With Freudenberg Performance Materials

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Today it is our special pleasure to present to you the latest episode of the Elite Experts Conferences' podcast: „Innovating Together With Freudenberg Performance Materials“. Our guests in this episode are John McNabb, CTO & Tobias Speth, Application Engineer at Freudenberg Performance Materials.
Freudenberg Performance Materials is a global player known for excellent products in such diverse areas. Examples include EMI shielding, battery pack liquid absorbers, gas diffusion layers for fuel cells, underbody shields, and interior applications like acoustic pads, cargo screens, carpet backings and headliner facings - all kind of solutions that make vehicles more cost-efficient, climate-friendly and comfortable. In this episode, however, we have focused specifically on the automotive industry and one of the latest innovations: friction enhancement materials, namely Friction Inserts.
Dive into this new exciting episode and find out together with us what properties friction enhancement materials have, where they are used, what the typical projects for the use of this technology look like and of course what the most unusual projects look like. Furthermore, we focused on the lightweight effect of this technology and John and Tobias answered a lot of questions and gave real-life examples of how measurable the effect of Friction Inserts is. 
Anyone who has to deal with lightweight construction challenges in the field of e mobility and micromobility, or who wants to achieve greater force transmission by increasing the coefficients of friction in other mechanical areas, should definitely listen in - it's worth it.
Of course, as always, we also discovered the exciting personalities behind the job titles, and it is brilliant how well John and Tobias complemented each other in conversation. We also highlighted the outstanding story of how this innovation Friction Inserts is entangled with a startup. We don't want to reveal too much, but we'll go ahead and say that it will be of interest to the startup world as well as global players. An example of the innovative mindset par excellence. 


Have more questions about this technology? Feel free to email us at input@eliteexpertsconferences.com and we'll provide you with the answers.

About this podcast

Elite Experts Conferences Podcast: it is always the people who make a technology exciting, who make a brand attractive, who fill a company with corporate culture, a higher sense and vision. It's exactly these brilliant personalities from the tech world that we will present to you in our new digital format.

We want to actively involve you as our appreciated community. Therefore we will always introduce the invited guests on LinkedIn first. You can ask the questions you are interested in in the comments and we will take them into account.

You can expect the following: super brains of the technical world, innovative lateral thinkers, charismatic techies, modern leaders, courageous people who pursue their visions with passion, promising startups as well as cool global players.

by Elite Experts Conferences


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