Elite Experts Conferences Podcast

Elite Experts Conferences Podcast

Empowering innovation: the Rockwell Automation vision for future-ready EV battery supply chains

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The topic of this premium panel within the Elite Experts Conferences’ technology podcast is: „Empowering Innovation: The Rockwell Automation Vision for Future-Ready EV Battery Supply Chains“.

Imagine that there is a reliable method for predicting the future of the automotive industry, the expansion of electrification or other industry trends with a high probability - would you be interested in this method? Let's hypothesise that there is a reliable 'crystal ball', so to speak.

For the 'crystal ball' to work, we need an independent industry that stands for itself, but which extends throughout the entire automotive industry. This is very important, because there has to be a certain neutrality.

For example, you can't ask OEMs themselves about trends in the automotive industry. They have their customers, their suppliers, their shareholders, society in general, to whom they have to look good. In short: neutrality looks different, right? So, and furthermore, for this method we need knowledgeable experts at decision-maker level and their years of experience and good skills of observation.

THAT is the reliable way to get the best information.

And THAT is why this episode is relevant to anyone interested in the automotive industry well beyond automation topics.

Yes, our guests are all three automation experts from Rockwell Automation, but their experienced view goes much further than just automation topics. We promise it's worth listening to.

Let’s talk about battery supply chain - its past, its present and its future, about cybersecurity, about partnerships - this part is worthwhile for both established companies and start-ups, about networks, leadership and much more.

Let’s welcome to this premium panel:

💡 Pierre Teszner as Regional Vice President Central EMEA

💡Ted Stockburger as Global Director Electric Vehicle and Advanced Mobility

💡Christian Leitner as Business Leader Future Mobility EMEA

Listen in and be inspired - at the end the guests share great insights from their lives: Pierre shares his insights from 16 years in Asia, Ted gives us his brilliant learnings on how to deal with your own failures and defeats and Christian brings a good summary of what good networking is all about to form stable business partnerships.

Enjoy listening as we enjoyed creating this episode for you, our dear listener!


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Elite Experts Conferences Podcast: it is always the people who make a technology exciting, who make a brand attractive, who fill a company with corporate culture, a higher sense and vision. It's exactly these brilliant personalities from the tech world that we will present to you in our new digital format.

We want to actively involve you as our appreciated community. Therefore we will always introduce the invited guests on LinkedIn first. You can ask the questions you are interested in in the comments and we will take them into account.

You can expect the following: super brains of the technical world, innovative lateral thinkers, charismatic techies, modern leaders, courageous people who pursue their visions with passion, promising startups as well as cool global players.

by Elite Experts Conferences


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