Elite Experts Conferences Podcast

Elite Experts Conferences Podcast

Wayne Burgess - Leading with kindness

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In this episode we introduce Wayne Burgess and frankly in the design world he needs no introduction. There are some star designers who have had a massive impact on the automotive industry over the last few decades. Wayne Burgess is one of those personalities who has become so well known around the world - that man IS A LEGEND. The design world knows him. The design world loves him.

Why? Because Wayne doesn't know kindness, empathy and compassion from textbooks, but really lives them. Wayne constantly helps others, celebrate other's success, supports people in his network and actively lives kindness as one of his core values. In this episode you will discover how he became such a kind and empathetic leader.

Of course, this episode is very much about the design world - its past, present and future, the highlights of Wayne's career working on TXI taxi design, later at Aston Martin and his very long time - over 17 years - at Jaguar Land Rover, most recently in the role Design Director for Jaguar production and SVO vehicles. Additionally, Wayne talked about his new responsibilities at Ola Electric and the challenge of delivering great design for everyday mobility solutions versus exciting concept cars of the past.

Yes, it is the most personal and moving interview that was ever done on this podcast. Design related part is fascinating and personality related part is moving and inspiring. May many, especially young leaders of this world, be inspired and follow this example of Wayne.

Tune in and enjoy!


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About this podcast

Elite Experts Conferences Podcast: it is always the people who make a technology exciting, who make a brand attractive, who fill a company with corporate culture, a higher sense and vision. It's exactly these brilliant personalities from the tech world that we will present to you in our new digital format.

We want to actively involve you as our appreciated community. Therefore we will always introduce the invited guests on LinkedIn first. You can ask the questions you are interested in in the comments and we will take them into account.

You can expect the following: super brains of the technical world, innovative lateral thinkers, charismatic techies, modern leaders, courageous people who pursue their visions with passion, promising startups as well as cool global players.

by Elite Experts Conferences


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