Elite Experts Conferences Podcast

Elite Experts Conferences Podcast

EV pioneer Gianfranco Pizzuto: 'The power and charisma of sustainability in the automotive industry and in racing‘

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2nd episode of the Elite Experts Conferences' Podcast: It is our special honor to present our next guest - an extraordinarily inspiring courageous personality and a charismatic passionate visionary Gianfranco Pizzuto!

Gianfranco is an industry veteran with more than 30 years of international business experience. In 2007 he was Fisker Automotive’s first investor and co-founder. He spent the last 13 years in the automotive industry working as inspiring consultant and covering senior positions specializing in PHEV and EV. He is the owner of the Scuderia-E brand. Gianfranco's latest top project is the creation of an Italian-Turkish Formula E team together with Mark Lander, founder of IMECAR, Massimiliano Zocchi, head of DMove.it and Armağan Arabul, founder of Elektron Innovative.

In this episode we were talking about developments in the automotive industry, innovative sustainability, e racing, higher purpose of Gianfranco's work, inspiring projects, business cooperations, lifelong learning and leadership.


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About this podcast

Elite Experts Conferences Podcast: it is always the people who make a technology exciting, who make a brand attractive, who fill a company with corporate culture, a higher sense and vision. It's exactly these brilliant personalities from the tech world that we will present to you in our new digital format.

We want to actively involve you as our appreciated community. Therefore we will always introduce the invited guests on LinkedIn first. You can ask the questions you are interested in in the comments and we will take them into account.

You can expect the following: super brains of the technical world, innovative lateral thinkers, charismatic techies, modern leaders, courageous people who pursue their visions with passion, promising startups as well as cool global players.

by Elite Experts Conferences


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